
lazy load batch (bulk) images

zoom in an image on click

load more images on every 100 entry

skip broken or blocked image source URLs (src)

Tech Stack

Frameworks: Jekyll (Ruby) & Liquid template

Frontend: HTML/CSS/JS & Jquery

Data: JSON

Image source credits






convert your manuscript to epub (fiverr gig @whatthehekkist) convert your manuscript to epub (fiverr gig @whatthehekkist) dedicated assistance to your jekyll website, blog, portfolio, or project (fiverr gig @whatthehekkist) dedicated assistance to your jekyll website, blog, portfolio, or project (fiverr gig @whatthehekkist)

What The Hekk is HTML/CSS/JS? a complete guide to creating a web app in 5 min from scratch!

Kindle Edition

What The Hekk is HTML/CSS/JS? a complete guide to creating a web app in 5 min from scratch!


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