Step by step insturction

1. Install selenium and beautiful soup on terminal

pip install bs4
pip install pip install selenium

2. Import request, BeautifulSoup, webdriver, Keys and time

import urllib.request #import urllib.request
from bs4 import BeautifulSoup #import BeautifulSoup
from selenium import webdriver #import webdriver
from selenium.webdriver.common.keys import Keys #import Keys
import time #import time; enablues you to use .sleep() while crwaling imges

3. Instantiate Chrome browser (Windows10-based)

If you haven’t got Chrome driver, download it and install first at ChromeDriver.

I will explain based on the local path of mine.


# instantiate browser
binary = r'C:\Users\HP\Desktop\chromedriver\chromedriver.exe' #path to the chrome driver
browser = webdriver.Chrome(binary) #init browser

#get browser. this will open a new ready-to-search tab of Chrome browser

# q is a name element
elem = browser.find_element_by_name("q") #init elem
elem.send_keys("golden retriever") #keywords that you wanna use to search
elem.submit() #elem.submit()

r in front of the chromdriver path can be used if some escaping-related error occurred


4. Load all possible images on the browser


# for-loop
for i in range(1 ,10):
    # find body tag and execute send_keys(Keys.END) for i < 10 so 9 times
    # Keys.END is when the END key is executed to be cliecked

        browser.find_element_by_id("smb").click() #smb == when clicking show more result button
        time.sleep(5) # sleep for 5 sec
        time.sleep(5) # sleep for 5 sec

time.sleep(5) # sleep for 5 sec

5. Fetch the image URLs and download them

Initialize html and soup


html = browser.page_source # get page_source from browser

# init soup by calling the method BeautifulSoup with two parameters; the variable html and "html.parser"
soup = BeautifulSoup(html, "html.parser") #this code enables you to fetch the image urls and download the images

Create methods for fetching and downloading


# method for listing url
def fetch_list_url():
    params = [] #declare and init an array

    # find all img tags and the class whose name is rg_i
    imgList = soup.find_all("img", class_ ="rg_i")

    #Now, extract the img sources(urls) from imgList
    for im in imgList:
            params.append(im["src"]) #source address of an img in the class rg_i
        except KeyError:
    return params #return params

# method for downloading imgs from the url
def fetch_detail_url():
    params = fetch_list_url() #init params by calling the method fetch_list_url()

    # print(params)
    a = 1 #a = 1
    for p in params:
        # @param p. the source img urls in params are assigned into p with this foreach-loop if urls are fetched properly   
        # @param path; gives download path
        # @param a; gives auto-incrementing numeric file name
        # finally, set .jpg extension to each of the img downloaded.
        urllib.request.urlretrieve(p, r"C:\Users\HP\Documents\python_project\img/ "+ str(a) + ".jpg" )
        a+=1 #a = a + 1; increment nums

#by calling the method fetch_detail_url(), the method fetch_list_url() is executed first in it.
fetch_detail_url() #fetch_detail_url()
browser.quit() #close the browser

Full code at here


JoCoding, RickyAvina, joygoround, 보안공돌이, itopia, Jusung’s Blog, 브라보 마이라이프,, fun-coding, Yumere,

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