What is Markdown?

Markdown is a free open-source web-focused markup language that gives you hassle-free writing experiences (indeed, once you get familiar with it).

As you can so easily find many of how-to-posts on syntax, structure, and so on by googling, let me skip this step :)

Why screenshot insertion in Markdown goes hard?

It is NOT hard if you are patient enough. You can patiently just:

easy eh?...

Of course, you will, for sure, need to follow the steps above when having completely solid images/pics/screenshots where is unnecessary to edit. However, if you wanna link some screenshots to your post as practical or as additional info for your post, you are likely finding it pretty much hassle. I very often felt the same when writing readme.md or any other web posting since there are so many steps I have to go through even for one screenshot link in markdown document.

So, what’s the solution? How do you insert screenshot into Markdown doc in a second?

Create an “Issues” in any github repo

Using Issues tab in any github repo, you can actually insert screenshot into your Markdown document so fast and easily.

There are only two steps:

1. Do a screenshot. For windows users, do Win + Shift + S to caputre screen. This makes your day go happy.

screen captire shortcut in Windows

2. Create an issue in any one of your git repo and then paste it into the comment box. The page then resolves it to a markdown image link.

how to insert screenshot into Markdown using isse tab in github

how to insert screenshot into Markdown using isse tab in github

You then just copy the link generated and paste into your Markdown document. (FYI, you don’t have to submit it really)

how to insert screenshot into Markdown using isse tab in github

If you are new to Markdown or didn’t know it, I hope this post helps your web-writing-days and helps improve your productivity in any way!

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